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Build date: 2013-05-16 14:36:50 (f9be68accb407158ba2b1be2c226a6ce1f649314)
// @tag core
 * This class parses the XTemplate syntax and calls abstract methods to process the parts.
 * @private
Ext.define('Ext.XTemplateParser', {
    constructor: function (config) {
        Ext.apply(this, config);

     * @property {Number} level The 'for' or 'foreach' loop context level. This is adjusted
     * up by one prior to calling {@link #doFor} or {@link #doForEach} and down by one after
     * calling the corresponding {@link #doEnd} that closes the loop. This will be 1 on the
     * first {@link #doFor} or {@link #doForEach} call.

     * This method is called to process a piece of raw text from the tpl.
     * @param {String} text
     * @method doText
    // doText: function (text)

     * This method is called to process expressions (like `{[expr]}`).
     * @param {String} expr The body of the expression (inside "{[" and "]}").
     * @method doExpr
    // doExpr: function (expr)

     * This method is called to process simple tags (like `{tag}`).
     * @method doTag
    // doTag: function (tag)

     * This method is called to process `<tpl else>`.
     * @method doElse
    // doElse: function ()

     * This method is called to process `{% text %}`.
     * @param {String} text
     * @method doEval
    // doEval: function (text)

     * This method is called to process `<tpl if="action">`. If there are other attributes,
     * these are passed in the actions object.
     * @param {String} action
     * @param {Object} actions Other actions keyed by the attribute name (such as 'exec').
     * @method doIf
    // doIf: function (action, actions)

     * This method is called to process `<tpl elseif="action">`. If there are other attributes,
     * these are passed in the actions object.
     * @param {String} action
     * @param {Object} actions Other actions keyed by the attribute name (such as 'exec').
     * @method doElseIf
    // doElseIf: function (action, actions)

     * This method is called to process `<tpl switch="action">`. If there are other attributes,
     * these are passed in the actions object.
     * @param {String} action
     * @param {Object} actions Other actions keyed by the attribute name (such as 'exec').
     * @method doSwitch
    // doSwitch: function (action, actions)

     * This method is called to process `<tpl case="action">`. If there are other attributes,
     * these are passed in the actions object.
     * @param {String} action
     * @param {Object} actions Other actions keyed by the attribute name (such as 'exec').
     * @method doCase
    // doCase: function (action, actions)

     * This method is called to process `<tpl default>`.
     * @method doDefault
    // doDefault: function ()

     * This method is called to process `</tpl>`. It is given the action type that started
     * the tpl and the set of additional actions.
     * @param {String} type The type of action that is being ended.
     * @param {Object} actions The other actions keyed by the attribute name (such as 'exec').
     * @method doEnd
    // doEnd: function (type, actions) 

     * This method is called to process `<tpl for="action">`. If there are other attributes,
     * these are passed in the actions object.
     * @param {String} action
     * @param {Object} actions Other actions keyed by the attribute name (such as 'exec').
     * @method doFor
    // doFor: function (action, actions)

     * This method is called to process `<tpl foreach="action">`. If there are other
     * attributes, these are passed in the actions object.
     * @param {String} action
     * @param {Object} actions Other actions keyed by the attribute name (such as 'exec').
     * @method doForEach
    // doForEach: function (action, actions)

     * This method is called to process `<tpl exec="action">`. If there are other attributes,
     * these are passed in the actions object.
     * @param {String} action
     * @param {Object} actions Other actions keyed by the attribute name.
     * @method doExec
    // doExec: function (action, actions)

     * This method is called to process an empty `<tpl>`. This is unlikely to need to be
     * implemented, so a default (do nothing) version is provided.
     * @method
    doTpl: Ext.emptyFn,

    parse: function (str) {
        var me = this,
            len = str.length,
            aliases = { elseif: 'elif' },
            topRe = me.topRe,
            actionsRe = me.actionsRe,
            index, stack, s, m, t, prev, frame, subMatch, begin, end, actions,

        me.level = 0;
        me.stack = stack = [];

        for (index = 0; index < len; index = end) {
            topRe.lastIndex = index;
            m = topRe.exec(str);

            if (!m) {
                me.doText(str.substring(index, len));

            begin = m.index;
            end = topRe.lastIndex;

            if (index < begin) {
                me.doText(str.substring(index, begin));

            if (m[1]) {
                end = str.indexOf('%}', begin+2);
                me.doEval(str.substring(begin+2, end));
                end += 2;
            } else if (m[2]) {
                end = str.indexOf(']}', begin+2);
                me.doExpr(str.substring(begin+2, end));
                end += 2;
            } else if (m[3]) { // if ('{' token)
            } else if (m[4]) { // content of a <tpl xxxxxx xxx> tag
                actions = null;
                while ((subMatch = actionsRe.exec(m[4])) !== null) {
                    s = subMatch[2] || subMatch[3];
                    if (s) {
                        s = Ext.String.htmlDecode(s); // decode attr value
                        t = subMatch[1];
                        t = aliases[t] || t;
                        actions = actions || {};
                        prev = actions[t];

                        if (typeof prev == 'string') {
                            actions[t] = [prev, s];
                        } else if (prev) {
                        } else {
                            actions[t] = s;

                if (!actions) {
                    if (me.elseRe.test(m[4])) {
                    } else if (me.defaultRe.test(m[4])) {
                    } else {
                        stack.push({ type: 'tpl' });
                else if (actions['if']) {
                    me.doIf(actions['if'], actions);
                    stack.push({ type: 'if' });
                else if (actions['switch']) {
                    me.doSwitch(actions['switch'], actions);
                    stack.push({ type: 'switch' });
                else if (actions['case']) {
                    me.doCase(actions['case'], actions);
                else if (actions['elif']) {
                    me.doElseIf(actions['elif'], actions);
                else if (actions['for']) {

                    // Extract property name to use from indexed item
                    if (prop = me.propRe.exec(m[4])) {
                        actions.propName = prop[1] || prop[2];
                    me.doFor(actions['for'], actions);
                    stack.push({ type: 'for', actions: actions });
                else if (actions['foreach']) {

                    // Extract property name to use from indexed item
                    if (prop = me.propRe.exec(m[4])) {
                        actions.propName = prop[1] || prop[2];
                    me.doForEach(actions['foreach'], actions);
                    stack.push({ type: 'foreach', actions: actions });
                else if (actions.exec) {
                    me.doExec(actions.exec, actions);
                    stack.push({ type: 'exec', actions: actions });
                else {
                    // todo - error
            } else if (m[0].length === 5) {
                // if the length of m[0] is 5, assume that we're dealing with an opening tpl tag with no attributes (e.g. <tpl>...</tpl>)
                // in this case no action is needed other than pushing it on to the stack
                stack.push({ type: 'tpl' });
            } else {
                frame = stack.pop();
                me.doEnd(frame.type, frame.actions);
                if (frame.type == 'for' || frame.type == 'foreach') {

    // Internal regexes
    topRe:     /(?:(\{\%)|(\{\[)|\{([^{}]+)\})|(?:<tpl([^>]*)\>)|(?:<\/tpl>)/g,
    actionsRe: /\s*(elif|elseif|if|for|foreach|exec|switch|case|eval|between)\s*\=\s*(?:(?:"([^"]*)")|(?:'([^']*)'))\s*/g,
    propRe:    /prop=(?:(?:"([^"]*)")|(?:'([^']*)'))/,
    defaultRe: /^\s*default\s*$/,
    elseRe:    /^\s*else\s*$/